Friday, 15 January 2010

I'm bored!!

Is anyone else getting tired of MKII? It seems every podcast is talking about the fieldtest or the MKII books/new models and it's just leaving me completely burnt out. I'm at the point where I'm losing interest in Warmachine due to MKII being so damn forced in the community. I say it's about time we stop the theorymachine and reviews and start doing some tournament and displaying some toy soldiers.


  1. Well for me it's all good being a new player all this added attention is a great way to get into the game easy. for old players it might be a bit overkill but I guess it is seen as a major thing! in the history of warmachine.

    and to take your own advice I would love to see some of your models :)

    Cheers CJ

  2. Or take a break from all the podcasts, mayhap?


  3. Nothing stopping you organising some more games and reporting on them... you could even spearhead a Vassal tourney...

  4. I believe I discussed that with you Gday, but I'm waiting for the fieldtest to settle before setting it up, whats the point of a tourname if 4 factions change on a weekly basis?

  5. Man, turn off the podcast and get painting. I felt the same, and I'm
    still waiting till I feel like listening to some again.
